Thursday, June 19, 2008


I took Dallin & Jessica Lochridge out to the woods to do some "family photos for them". Despite a few blunders on my part, the whole thing turned out pretty well, and I got free ice cream from Big Jud's out of it.
I've really been wanting to build up my portfolio to where I can justify charging for my services, and having a competitive edge over other local photographers. A bunch of students advertise their services as "professional" photographers, but if you look at their websites the pictures are mediocre at best, and there's always way too many. Most of them just use a blogsite to display their photos, which is the worst way to do it, because there's no organization, you just have this huge list with hundreds of mediocre photos that you get bored with before you're a tenth of the way through it.
Anyway, I posted a listing on the college bulletin board saying I would do free photography sessions for anyone interested for the purpose of building up my portfolio. I posted a link to a website that I keep what small portfolio I have available ( I wasn't really expecting to hear from anyone, just thought I'd give it a chance. Well last night I get an e-mail from a girl who's wanting me to do engagement photos the morning of June 28th, and then I got a call this morning from a lady that wants me to family photos the afternoon of June 28th! She had seen my website and said she really liked my portfolio! Hooray! I'm so excited to finally start doing photo-shoots for people other than close friends. I'm really hoping I can keep this going to the point where I can justify getting some serious digital equipment and try to make a little side business out of it. Anyway, just thought I'd share my excitement with all y'all. Cheers!

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Hey there Rulon, I seem to run into you all over the internet. I found your link on Jess Greene's site. Anyway, if you still need to beef up your portfolio, you can totally take pics of my family. I don't have any nice pics and have been meaning to fix that. Hope you are well.