Friday, July 25, 2008

Concerning Geese

So I woke up yesterday afternoon naked and soaking wet on the bathroom floor, with a nice goose egg/cut on my forehead. I have no recollection of anything happening prior to that. Either I passed out and hit my head on the way down, or I slipped in the shower and knocked myself out. Low blood sugar maybe? My friend Rob thinks I have a weird blood condition where your blood pressure gets really low when exposed to hot water. All in all an eventful day.

I went and saw the Dark Knight Saturday morning. I've got to say, in my book at least, one of the best movies I have ever seen. I know everyone is saying this, but Heath Ledger's acting was some of the best I have ever seen. I don't think I've ever seen a movie villain who was so completely believable. But the whole movie in general was amazing. I sure hope they make a sequel.

In other news, some stuff happened.

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